Did you know : Elephant never forgets






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source: wild org

As we know from our basic knowledge; Elephants are the largest mammals on land. Their lifespan is about 60 years. They have wide range of emotional and behavioral patterns. They Grieve over the dead bodies of their own herd members.

And the most surprising fact is ; They can actually recognize themselves in a mirror. Older Elephant never get lost from herd ; due to their memory. There’s an old proverb “Elephant never forgets”. It’s memory is the primary key for surviving in wild. They can smell and identify their herd members. Like humans, Elephants are only those kind of animal that suffers from depression after their love ones death.

Elephant follows Matriarchal structure (i.e One older female on charge) like bees do. One older female Elephant guide the herd to safety from predators and hunters. When young male elephant reach sexual maturity (i.e 14 years); they leave herd and roam solo to form their own groups with others.

In 2007 researchers at the university of Saint Andrews in Scotland; placed urine samples in front of female Elephants at Amoseli National Park in Kenya. According to the study, the elephants acted up when they recognized the odour of urine didn’t came from an elephant in their herd. They concluded that elephants can recognize and track as many as 30 of their companions.

Elephants have great power of memory. They are able to use their whopping 10.5 lbs brain to encode identification and survival detail. But Elephant’s great memory only comes from age and experience.

source: smithsonianmag.com

Mostly Larger elephants are the target of hunters. Elephants are poached for their valuable tusk. According to Lewis “ The tragedy is when one of these elephant is lost to poaching, the information dies with her”. It leaves the rest of the herd at disadvantage and may cause big fluctuation in elephant species.




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Published by Rojan

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